When God drops a bombhe doesn't miss.
Large Hadron Collider scuttled by birdy baguette-bomber
Bread on the busbars could have seen 'dump caverns' used
By Lewis Page
A bird dropping a piece of bread onto outdoor machinery has been blamed for a technical fault at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) this week which saw significant overheating in sections of the mighty particle-punisher's subterranean 27-km supercooled magnetic doughnut.
According to scientists at the project, had the LHC been operational - it is scheduled to recommence beaming later this month - the snag would have caused it to fail safe and shut down automatically. This would put the mighty machine out of action for a few days while it was restarted, but there would be no repeat of the catastrophic damage suffered last September. On that occasion, an electrical connection in the circuit itself failed violently, causing a massive liquid-helium leak and knock-on damage along hundreds of metres of magnets.
Reg readers alerted us yesterday to the temperature rises in the LHC's Sector 81, which began in the early hours of Tuesday morning: most of the collider's operational data can be viewed on the web for all to see. Initial enquiries to CERN press staff led to assurances that the rises were the result of routine tests.
However Dr Mike Lamont, who works at the CERN control centre and describes himself as "LHC Machine Coordinator and General Dogsbody" later confirmed that there had indeed been a problem. Lamont, briefing reporters at the control room yesterday, told the Reg that machinery on the surface - the LHC accelerator circuit itself is buried deep beneath the Franco-Swiss border outside Geneva - had suffered a fault caused by "a bit of baguette on the busbars", thought perhaps to have been dropped by a bird.
As a result, temperatures in part of the LHC's circuit climbed to almost 8 Kelvin - significantly higher than the normal operating temperature of 1.9, and close to the temperature at which the LHC's niobium-titanium magnets are likely to "quench", or cease superconducting and become ordinary "warm" magnets - by no means up to the task imposed on them. Dr Tadeusz Kurtyka, a CERN engineer, told the Reg that this can happen unpredictably at temperatures above 9.6 K.
An uncontrolled quench would be bad news with the LHC in operation, possibly leading to serious damage of the sort which crippled the machine last September. At the moment there are no beams of hadrons barrelling around the huge magnetic doughnut at close to light speed, but when there are, each of the two beams has as much energy in it as an aircraft carrier underway. If the LHC suddenly lost its ability to keep the beam circling around its vacuum pipe, all that energy would have to go somewhere - with results on the same scale as being rammed by an aircraft carrier.
About to get hit by an aircraft carrier? You need a Dump
But there's no cause for concern, according to Lamont. The LHC's monitoring and safety systems have always been capable of coping with an incident of this sort, and have been hugely upgraded since last September.
Had this week's feathered baguette-packing saboteur struck in coming months, with a brace of beams roaring round the LHC's magnetic motorway, the climbing temperatures would have been noted and the beams diverted - rather in the fashion that a runaway truck or train can be - into "dump caverns" lying a little off the main track of the LHC. In these large artificial caves, each beam would power into a "dump core", a massive 7m-long graphite block encased in steel, water cooled and then further wrapped in 750 tonnes of concrete and iron shielding. The dump core would become extremely hot and quite radioactive, but it has massive shielding and scores of metres of solid granite lie between the cavern and the surface. Nobody up top, except the control room staff, would even notice.
This whole process would be over in a trice, well before the birdy bread-bomber's shenanigans could warm the main track up to anywhere near quench temperature. Should the magnets then quench, no carrier-wreck catastrophe would result.
According to Lamont, provided the underlying fault didn't take too long to rectify, the LHC could be up and beaming again "within, say, three days" following such an incident.
We asked if more such incidents would occur, once the Collider is up and running for real from later this month.
"It's inevitable," the particle-wrangling doc told the Reg. "This thing is so complicated and so big, it's bound to have problems sometimes."
Meanwhile, it would seem that this particular snag has been solved, as the Sector 81 temperatures are now headed back down to their proper 1.9 K. ®
Friday, November 6, 2009
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9:54 AM
Mind Control
Positive ID

Friday, October 9, 2009
An examination of the human microchip (Verichip, Positive ID) being promoted in the media and how it threatens our freedom. Explored are issues of civil liberties, dehumanization, and religious repercussions of the chip.
Cern Project Update: Could radicals be pals?
Good question! What was Al Qaeda's intentions, to rid us of the plant or supervision of the "Black Hole" ?
October 10,2009
Al Qaeda suspect worked at Swiss nuclear lab
French authorities have arrested an engineer working at an international nuclear research laboratory on suspicion of having links with the
Al Qaeda militant network.
Officials connected with the case say the Algerian man worked at the
CERN nuclear laboratory on the border with Switzerland.
Police arrested the man and his brother after following internet exchanges between the two and other people believed to have links to extremist groups.
Computers, USB drives and hard drives were removed from the brothers' home.
It is believed the older man was planning attacks in France.
According to the Figaro newspaper, the arrests could represent an important step in the hunt for Al Qaeda networks.
- BBCUpdate March 29th 2012

PARIS — A French state prosecutor on Friday asked a Paris court to sentence an Algerian-born nuclear physicist to six years in prison for his suspected role in plotting terrorism with al-Qaida’s north African wing.
The request came at the end of the two-day trial of Adlene Hicheur, a former researcher at Switzerland’s CERN laboratory for alleged “criminal association with a view to plotting terrorist attacks.”
The three-judge panel has recessed for deliberations before handing down its verdict on May 4. Hicheur, who has been behind bars since he was arrested in October 2009, risks a maximum 10 years in prison.
The 35-year-old scientist and his defenders say he was a victim of allegedly overzealous French anti-terrorism laws and that he explored ideas on jihadist websites — but never took any concrete step toward terrorism.
The case centers on about 35 emails between Hicheur and an alleged contact with Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb named Mustapha Debchi, who tried to convince him to carry out a suicide bombing. Hicheur declined, but in one response suggested striking at the barracks of a battalion of elite Alpine troops in the eastern town Cran-Gevrier.
Hicheur claimed he was on morphine for a herniated disk and going through a personal “zone of turbulence” when he wrote an 2009 email that advocated an attack on the barracks.
Prosecutor Guillaume Portenseigne rejected Hicheur’s claims of a lack of lucidity and characterized the defendant as “a man who had everything going for him ... but just got led astray in a radical jihadist Islam.”
“Adlene Hicheur was a budding terrorist: He only needed that determining meeting to slip” into concrete action, the prosecutor told the court.
Defense lawyer Patrick Baudouin said a conviction would be “an error” and that “From the beginning, everything has been done to demonize him, to make him into ... France’s most dangerous terrorist, potentially susceptible to participate in a bombing.”
That, he argued, “would place on his shoulders something that he is incapable of doing — fortunately.”
Hicheur’s defenders say the context of the trial makes their case difficult because of recent terror attacks in France. Earlier this month, in an apparently unrelated case, police say another young man of Algerian descent killed three Jewish schoolchildren, a rabbi and three paratroopers in the cities of Toulouse and Montauban and claimed ties to al-Qaida. Mohamed Merah, 23, died later in a shootout with police.
Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

French Cern scientist goes on trial for 'al-Qaeda plot'
Emails sent by Adlene Hicheur apparently discussed targets
Continue reading the main story
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A nuclear scientist at the Cern laboratory has gone on trial in France accused of plotting terrorist attacks.
Adlene Hicheur has been in custody since his arrest two-and-a-half years ago, after police intercepted his emails to an alleged contact in Al-Qaeda.
Court documents say the emails proposed targets and suggested Mr Hicheur was willing to be part of an active unit.
His lawyers say he only expressed views online and he was never part of a plot.
The French domestic intelligence service, DCRI, looked at 35 emails sent between Hicheur and an alleged contact in al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).
He had been under surveillance for 18 months as investigators monitored the account of Algerian Mustapha Debchi, alleged to be a member of AQIM.
Investigators say the emails, in which the men use pseudonyms, discuss possible "military and political targets to punish governments" in Europe and in particular France.
But Mr Hicheur, who was born in Algeria, never said he would actually carry out an attack.
Shadow of Merah shootings
Adlene Hicheur's family have complained his emails were "misinterpreted"
They were sent while Mr Hicheur was at home from his work at the Cern particle accelerator, suffering from a herniated disc. During this illness he is said to have consulted numerous Islamist websites.
His supporters say he was only expressing strong views and was not planning attacks.
At the start of the trial Mr Hicheur criticised the case against him. "I see a lot of confusion and inaccuracies," Agence France-Presse reported.
"It would be too tedious to revisit each of them (but) the assertions about me... are inaccurate, are subject to debate."
His brother, Halim, complained that the emails had been interpreted in a "biased way".
"This dossier was tampered with from the beginning by the DCRI. Some people wanted to raise the spectre of the terrorism threat by the Algerian, Muslim nuclear physicist, etc."
The trial comes a week after French special forces shot dead Mohamed Merah, who killed seven people in Toulouse and Montauban.
Security issues have since dominated the French presidential election campaign, with President Nicolas Sarkozy proposing that anyone regularly visiting extremist websites should be prosecuted. The first round of voting takes place next month.
"The events of Toulouse and Montauban don't appear to create the most favourable conditions for the trial of Adlene Hicheur," said his lawyer Patrick Baudouin.
"We're really going to have to insist that there's no conflation."
Mr Baudouin told journalists that unlike Merah his client had no weapons in his possession, and no history of violence.
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10:04 PM
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Friday, July 3, 2009
16 He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.Revelation 13:16-18
18 This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666

"NASA,True Holographic Projection Systems,Crop Circles,Space Based Laser Weapons" |
NASA ... working on blades and advanced lasers for True Holographic Projection Systems.
The UFO phenomenon"Revelation 13:13
He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven in the sight of men.This is a reference to the Antichrist performing miracles a verse in scripture of possible satanic association to a phenomena in the sky. Other Scriptures are in (2 Thessalonian 2:9) (Matthew 24:22-24). Are Crop Circles created with Space Based Laser Weapons or other technologies the military possesses? We are always 20 years behind the government and it's kept secret technology." Interesting Scripture Link I've come across on the Web"
The Bible Codes, Sir Isaac Newton set 2060 for end of world Britain's greatest scientist, predicted the date of the end of the world - and it is only 57 years away.
His theories about Armageddon have been unearthed by academics from little-known handwritten manuscripts in a library in Jerusalem.
The thousands of pages show Newton's attempts to decode the Bible, which he believed contained God's secret laws for the universe.Newton, who was also a theologian and alchemist, predicted that the Second Coming of Christ would follow plagues and war and would precede a 1,000-year reign by the saints on earth - of which he would be one.
The most definitive date he set for the apocalypse, which he scribbled on a scrap of paper, was 2060.
Newton's fascination with the end of the world, which has been researched by a Canadian academic, Stephen Snobelen, is to be explored in a documentary, Newton: The Dark Heretic.
"What has been coming out over the past 10 years is what an apocalyptic thinker Newton was," Malcolm Neaum, the producer, said.
"He spent something like 50 years and wrote 4,500 pages trying to predict when the end of the world was coming. But until now it was not known that he ever wrote down a final figure. He was very reluctant to do so."
Thousands of Newton's papers, which had lain in a trunk in the house of the Earl of Portsmouth for 250 years, were sold by Sotheby's in the late 1930s.
John Maynard Keynes, the economist, bought many of the texts on alchemy and theology. But much of the material went to an eccentric collector, Abraham Yahuda, and was stored in the Hebrew National Library. It was among these documents that the date was found .
From medieval times, the belief that the Bible contains some type of secret code has fascinated many people, including the great scientist Sir Isaac Newton. In 1958, Rabbi Weissmandel found some interesting patterns in the Hebrew Pentateuch (also known as the Books of Moses, the Torah, and the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament). Unfortunately, he had no access to computers, and so was not able to develop his findings.
A team at Hebrew University in Jerusalem reported remarkable findings of codes buried in the book of Genesis in 1988. Other researchers followed, claiming to find predictions in the ancient text of "the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995 to a Los Angeles earthquake in 2010.
The actual truth about the Bible codes was finally revealed by statistical analysis: they do not just exist in the Pentateuch; they are found everywhere. ELS codes are found with approximately equal frequency in the Book of Genesis, the Qur'an, Tolstoy's "War and Peace," or in any sufficiently long text written in any language -- probably even in this web site which totals over loads of megabytes of text.
"Scientific Evidence!Water in Outer Space and the Genesis Factor" |
Water in Outer Space Confirms Genesis 1:6-7
A remarkable scientific fact recorded in the Scriptures is found in the book of Genesis. The Bible declares that God separated the waters below (in the earth) from the waters above (in the Heavens).
And God said, Let there be firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. (Genesis 1:6-7)
The 3500 year old Bibical statement declared that God created a large amount of water that He placed in the Heavens, or in deep space. Is there any scientific evidence that supports this intriguing ancient Biblical statement? The existence of water in space seemed improbable, if not impossible, to scientists until quite recently. However, new astronomical discoveries have revealed that massive amounts of water exist in outer space, exactly as the Bible originally claimed. Naturally, because of the extremely cold temperatures found in space, these waters are frozen into ice. Frozen water has been discovered within the ice caps on Mars, as well as in the beautiful rings of ice and dust circling the planet Saturn. In addition, astronomers discovered that the comets traveling through our solar system are composed of massive amounts of ice and rock.
A meteor composed of a huge block of ice and rock from space collided with the earth at the beginning of the last century in a remote part of Siberia in northern Russia:
In the morning of June 30, 1908, a fantastic explosion occured in central Siberia... Witnesses described an enormous meteoric bolide visible in the sky for a few seconds. Other witnesses from a distance of 60 kilometers (36 miles) from the point of impact were knocked over... Seismic shocks were registered over the whole world... this event was due to the collision with the earth of a block of ice weighing 30,000 tons which... released energy equivalent to that of a thermonuclear bomb of 12 megatons.
The latest scientific research revealed that tremendous amounts of ice also exist at the outer edge of our solar system. Astronomers now believe that there is a vast region of space at the edge of our solar system that holds perhaps a trillion large comets composed of ice and rock. Each large comet is believed to contain up to one trillion tons of ice. The vast amount of water in the earth’s oceans is a small fraction of the quantities of water that exist in the "firmament above," as reported in the Genesis passage.
Another passage in Job also refers to the ice and frost found in the Heavens:
Hath the rain a father? Or who hath begotten the drops of dew? Out of whose womb came the ice? And the hoary frost of Heaven, who hath gendered it? The waters are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen. Canst thou bind the influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? (Job 38:28-31).
How could someone like Job, living, during ancient times, in the hot climate of what is now Saudi Arabia, have known about frozen ice caps in the far north and south of our planet?

Pluto's Moon Has Ice Volcanoes
Charon, Pluto's sole moon has been discovered to have volcanoes that spew water ice into space. Water apparently is liquid inside the moon, probably due to an ammonia mixture that acts like an antifreeze. The water instantly turns to ice when they hit the cold of space. The volcanoes were detected with the Gemini observatory on Mauna Kea in Hawaii.
Residual water ice in Vastitas Borealis Crater

"Job and the Dinosaur" |
Job 40:15-24 15 ¶ Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.
16 Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.
17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.
18 His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.
19 He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his
sword to approach unto him.
20 Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play.
21 He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens.
22 The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook
compass him about.
23 Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he
can draw up Jordan into his mouth.
24 He taketh it with his eyes: his nose pierceth through snares.
The entire description given in these verses fit certain types of dinosaurs very well. But we're going to zero in on one particular verse. It's in verse 17 it says, "He moveth his tail like a cedar:".
Second Witch and the CERN Project?

"The Book of Revelation was written sometime around 96 CE in Asia Minor."
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2:36 AM
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