LHC restart: 'Experimental' current blast fixes glitch
By Jonathan WebbScience reporter, BBC News
The short circuit delaying the
restart of the Large Hadron Collider has been fixed, after a blast of
high current melted the metal particle responsible.
It is now likely that the LHC will see beams of protons racing around its 27km circumference early next week. The
massive machine's second run, after a two-year refit, had faced a delay
of up to several weeks after the glitch was discovered ten days ago. But now only much more routine tests remain to be completed. Cern, the European organisation for nuclear research, announcedon Tuesday that Run Two of the collider was "back on track".
The short circuit was caused by a tiny piece of metal
debris, which found its way into the pipes and became lodged in the
wiring of one of the LHC's powerful electromagnets. A short
caused by dust or debris is a common enough fault, but one which could
have taken weeks to fix if the team had needed to warm the magnet up
from its operating temperature of nearly -273C (absolute zero).
'Like blowing a fuse'
The mercifully rapid repair was something of an experiment, according to the head of Cern's beams department, Dr Paul Collier. After
his team pinpointed the location of the fault - to within centimetres -
using electrical signals, they "had a number of methods to explore", Dr
Collier told BBC News. One would have been to hose down the area
with helium gas, which could be done remotely; another would have been
to open the magnet up and send in an engineer. Maybe the safest mechanism would have been to warm up the machine and
go in there and clean it out - but that would have been a very long
process," Dr Collier said. So instead they tried something new:
passing nearly 400 amps of current directly through the short circuit,
for just a few milliseconds - "in the same way you would blow a fuse". Measurements
made on Monday evening suggested the trick had worked, and this was
confirmed when high voltages were put through the circuit on Tuesday. "There's no short there now, even at high voltages," Dr Collier said, clearly pleased with the solution. "We
can't pretend this is the only fragment in the system; it could well
recur in the future. But now we've got a mechanism to deal with it
relatively quickly - much more quickly than we did this time." A
vast, subterranean "atom smasher", the LHC is famous around the world
for pushing the boundaries of physics - including the discovery of the
Higgs bosonin 2012. Its
much-anticipated reboot will slam protons together with twice as much
energy as ever before, which researchers hope will yield insights into
huge, outstanding questions like the existence of dark matterand supersymmetry. Actual
collisions will still not recommence until at least May; the first big
step is to send beams all the way around the machine's parallel pipes,
in both directions - and this is now only days away. Follow Jonathan on Twitter