Recent Earthquakes ,CERN and the Missing Black Hole Raises New Safety Concerns

An article discussing the safety of the CERN Large Hadron Collider, after an alleged containment breach.
In April 2008 the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) held an official open day for the launch of the world’s largest particle accelerator, otherwise known as Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
In September of the same year, CERN was forced to shut down the LHC due to an electrical malfunction which caused a huge helium leak.
However, it has now been alleged that the reported helium leak was actually a cover story for a containment breach, after an artificially created micro black hole was reported as missing.
An unnamed source has suggested that the particle collision test went ahead as planned, and that following the experiment a number of micro black holes were created. The black holes were in the process of being documented and evaluated, when it was noticed that one of the micro black holes was missing. The source advised that they had searched under the Aspelund, on top of the Leksvik and even down the back of the Smogen (the containment fields) but were unable to locate the missing black hole.
Once it was established that the micro black hole was definitely missing, CERN was forced to close down the LHC that an extensive search could be made of the facility.
However it proved to be a futile effort as it was like searching for a very tiny needle in an exceptionally large haystack.
As black holes are not a natural phenomenon on Earth, every physics paper written upon the subject has been based upon a black hole in its natural state and location, namely in space. All documents regarding the effect of creating an artificial black hole on Earth have been based on theory.
CERN have continually stated that the creation of micro black holes on Earth would be perfectly safe as the micro black holes are so tiny that they will evaporate – but is this definitely the case?
There is so much about the creation of the Universe that we still do not fully understand, and some scientists are now even questioning and challenging the previous theories on how the Universe was created. Therefore, if what we thought we knew about the Universe may now be incorrect – how can we be so sure about black holes on Earth being safe?
Professor Otto E. Rossler is one of the scientists who is not entirely comfortable with CERN‘s declaration of micro black holes evaporating, and that they are harmless. Professor Otto has raised several concerns, and has tried on numerous occasions to have the LHC closed down.
Referring to the attached report, Professor Rossler has highlighted what his concerns are and has even asked CERN to disprove his theory to try and alleviate his fears for the safety of Earth. So far CERN has not responded.
Statements Prof. Rössler (LINK)http://lhc-concern.info/?page_id=32
Whether CERN have not responded simply because they choose not to or perhaps consider that it’s a waste of their time, or whether it is because they are not able to disprove Professor Rossler’s theory is anyone’s guess.
So back to the missing micro black hole. Where did it go? Has it simply evaporated? Or is the micro black hole airborne? Could it be outside the facility?
I guess only time will tell – but if Switzerland and France suddenly start to get sucked into what looks like a very dark sink hole, Professor Rossler will definitely be entitled to say “I told you so!”Original article Link

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